Thanks to efficient teamwork, we can guarantee customers rapid, accurate and transparent support from the moment of initial contact to the end of their projects. In addition to DIN, UL and NSF certified products, we can also obtain additional certification through our own laboratories where products are tested to all relevant standards and where new solutions are tested and developed.
Our laboratories use technically advanced instrumentation to carry out testing according to the strictest European standards. Thorough analysis of materials, equipment, production processes, suppliers, packaging and shipping guarantee fully integrated projects. Our entire production process is rigorously monitored and subjected to strict quality controls based on dedicated sampling plans. Our advanced test instruments allow us to complete reference standard test procedures, including:
The collection and archiving of data useful for future testing also helps us meet our quality objectives. These objectives are shared by everyone in our company and seen as a stimulus to work better and ensure that the quality of our products gives us a competitive edge on the global market.
We are essential source for the supply of filters and metal components for domestic kitchen hoods and domestic appliances. We can implement special technologies and acquire new competences to develop different product components.
We dedicate special attention to collaboration with the customer, starting from the product design phase. Our advanced IT system, 3D CAD software and PLM (product lifecycle management) system can all be easily interfaced with common design tools.